
There are 20 entries in this glossary.
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Term Definition

401(k) Plan: A qualified profit sharing or stock bonus plan under which plan participants have an option to put money into the plan or receive the same amount as taxable cash compensation. Amounts contributed to the plan are not taxable to the participants until withdrawn. Generally funded entirely or in part through salary reductions elected by employees. Salary reductions are subject to an annual limit.

403(b) Plan: A tax-deferred annuity retirement plan available to employees of public schools and certain nonprofit organizations.

Absolute Assignment: A policy assignment under which the assignee receives full control over the policy and full rights to its benefits. As a general rule, when a policy is assigned to secure a debt, the owner retains all rights in the policy in excess of such debt, even though the assignment may be absolute in form. The insurance company does not guarantee the validity of the assignment.

Accidental Death Benefit: In a life insurance policy, benefit in addition to the death benefit paid to the beneficiary, should death occur due to an accident. There can be certain exclusions as well as time and age limits.

Accumulation: In property and casualty insurance, refers to the total combined risks that could be involved in a single loss event.

Act of God: An accident or event resulting from natural causes, without human intervention or agency, and one that could not have been prevented by reasonable foresight or care, e.g., floods, lightning, earthquake, or storms.

Actual Cash Value: Cost of replacing damaged or destroyed property with comparable new property, minus depreciation and obsolescence. For example, a 10-year-old sofa will not be replaced at current full value because of a decade of depreciation

Actuary: An individual, often holding a professional designation, e.g., Fellow of the Casualty Actuarial Society (FCAS), who computes statistics relating to insurance, typically estimating loss reserves and developing premium rates.

Adjuster: One who settles insurance claims. This typically involves investigation of the loss and a determination of the extent of coverage.

Aleatory contract: An agreement concerned with an uncertain event that provides for unequal transfer of value between the parties. Insurance policies are aleatory contracts because an insured can pay premiums for many years without sustaining a covered loss. Conversely, insureds sometimes pay relatively small premiums for a short period of time and then receive coverage for a substantial loss.

Annual Crediting Cap: The maximum rate that the equity-indexed annuity can be credited in a year. If a contract has an upper limit, or cap, of 7 percent and the index linked to the annuity gained 7.2 percent, only 7 percent would be credited to the annuity. Annuity: A stream of periodic payments made over a specified period of time.

Authorized non-admitted reinsurer: An unlicensed reinsurer authorized to transact reinsurance in the state or country.

Aliases (separate with |): A.
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