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Term Definition

Lack of Marketability Discount: When the value of an asset is less than its initial or expected fair market value due to unusual circumstances that make it not readily saleable. For example, a limited partnership interest.

Lateral Succession: Succession in property ownership in which the property is transferred between members of the same generation.

Law of Large Numbers: Concept that the greater the number of exposures, the more closely will actual results approach the probable results expected from an infinite number of exposures.

Legal Reserve: Liability item on a life insurer's balance sheet representing the redundant or excessive premiums paid under the level-premium method during the early years. Assets must be accumulated to offset the legal reserve liability. Purpose of the legal reserve is to provide lifetime protection.

Letters of Administration: Document issued by the probate court giving the administrator authority to administer the estate.

Letters Testamentary: Document issued by the probate court giving the executor authority to administer the estate under the provisions of the decedent's will.

Liability: A financial obligation, debt, claim, or potential loss.

Life Income Option: Life insurance settlement option in which the policy proceeds are paid during the lifetime of the beneficiary. A certain number of guaranteed payments may also be payable.

Life Insurance Planning: Systematic method of determining the insured's financial goals, which are translated into specific amounts of life insurance, then periodically reviewed for possible changes.

Limited Liability Company (LLC): An entity formed under state statute that has the legal characteristic of limited liability similar to that of a corporation, while it may qualify to be treated as a partnership for tax purposes.

Limited Partner: A partner in a partnership who can't participate in the management of the partnership's business. A limited partner's liability is limited to loss of his investment in the partnership.

Limited Partnership: Form of partnership composed of both a general partner(s) and a limited partner(s); the limited partners have no control in the management of the company and are usually financially liable only to the extent of their investment in the partnership.

Living Trust: A written legal document into which you place all of your property, with instructions for its management and distribution upon your disability or death.

Loan: Money that is lent. In life insurance a loan can be taken against the cash value of a life insurance policy. If the insured dies while there is an outstanding loan balance, the amount of the loan and any unpaid interest due will be deducted from the death proceeds.

Loan Interest Charge: The annual interest expense charged to the policy owner on the amount borrowed from a policy's cash value. If loan interest is not paid in cash, it is added to the outstanding loan balance. The unpaid loan interest will then increase the amount borrowed.

Aliases (separate with |): L
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