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Term Definition

Partition: The judicial separation of the respective interests in property of joint owners or tenants in common so each may take possession, enjoy, and control his or her share of the property.

Partnership: A type of unincorporated business organization in which multiple individuals, called general partners, manage the business and are equally liable for its debts.

Per Stirpes: A way of distributing an estate so that the surviving descendants will receive only what their immediate ancestor would have received if he or she had been alive at the time of death. State law definitions can vary.

Personal Representative: An executor, administrator, or anyone else who is in charge of a decedent's property.

Phantom Stock Plan: An incentive compensation arrangement where the employee is credited with a hypothetical number of shares (phantom stock units) of the company. These units are credited to the employee's account, which is dynamic in that it includes future dividends and stock splits. Upon termination of employment, the employee is entitled to a cash amount based on the per share equivalent value of each of the phantom stock units credited to his or her account.

Planned Premium: The premium amount specified by the policy owner as the amounts intended to be paid at fixed intervals over a specified period of time. Premiums may be paid on a monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or annual basis. If policy values are adequate, the specified premium need not be paid, and can be changed at any time. Within limits, premium payments that are more or less than the specified premium amount may be permitted.

Policy Basis: The policy basis represents the policy owner's investment in the policy. Policy basis is used in determining the taxable portion of a policy distributions when a taxable event occurs. For example, the portion of the surrender proceeds or withdrawal distribution that exceeds the policy basis is reported as taxable income (gain).

Policy Loan: A loan made by an insurance company to a policyholder on the security of the cash value of the policy.

Pooled Income Fund: A trust arrangement which accepts gifts of cash or certain properties from persons who want to provide support for the charitable organization; gifts made to the fund are commingled and invested by the trustee and units of participation are awarded to the donor for his or her gift; income is then paid to the donor proportionate to his or her share of fund earnings.

Pour Over Will: This is a Will used to transfer (pour over) into a trust any property that is left in a person's estate after death.

Power of Appointment: A right given to another in a written instrument, such as a will or trust that allows the other to decide how to distribute your property. The power of appointment is "general" if it places no restrictions on who the distributees may be. A power is "limited" or "special" if it limits the eventual distributee.

Power of Attorney: A written legal document that gives an individual the authority to act for another. If the authority is to act for the principal in all matters, it is a general power of attorney. If the authority granted is limited to certain specified things, it is a special power of attorney. If the authority granted survives the disability of the principal it is a durable power of attorney.

Primary Beneficiary: Beneficiary of a life insurance policy who is first entitled to receive the policy proceeds on the insured's death.

Probate: A court procedure for settling the personal affairs of a decedent by formally proving the validity of a will and establishing the legal transfer of property to beneficiaries, or appointing an administrator and supervising the legal transfer to property to heirs if there is no valid will.

Projected Benefit Obligation (PBO): An accounting term representing the anticipated value of retirement benefits to be earned by an employee by his/her retirement date.

Aliases (separate with |): P
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