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Term Definition

Rabbi Trust: A trust, owned by the company, that holds assets to help meet non-qualified benefit payments. Rabbi trusts are taxable trusts, and trust assets must be available to corporate creditors in the event of a bankruptcy.

Rate: Price per unit of insurance.

Ratio Percentage Test: A test that a qualified pension plan must meet to receive favorable income tax treatment. The pension plan must benefit a percentage of employees that is at least 70 percent of the highly compensated employees covered by the plan.

Rebating: A practice-illegal in virtually all states-of giving a premium reduction or some other financial advantage to an individual as an inducement to purchase the policy.

Representative: Someone who is authorized to act on your behalf, such as an executor or a trustee.

Revocable Beneficiary: Beneficiary designation allowing the policyowner the right to change the beneficiary without consent of the beneficiary.

Revocable Trust: A trust that can be changed after it is established. Assets can be added or removed from the corpus of the trust, the beneficiary(ies) can be changed, and other changes including termination of the trust, are allowed.

Rider: Term used in insurance contracts to describe a document that amends or changes the original policy.

Rule Against Perpetuities: A rule of common law that makes void any estate or interest in property so limited that it will not take effect or vest within a period measured by a life or lives in being at the time of the creation of the estate plus 21 years and the period of gestation. In many states the rule has been modified by statute. Sometimes it is known as the rule against remoteness of vesting.

Aliases (separate with |): R
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